Newnan Utilities is committed to protecting our environment and natural resources. Through a number of programs, including an innovative composting initiative and reservoir expansion projects, we continue our tradition of exemplary corporate citizenship and diligent environmental stewardship.
Customers can participate in our Green Power program. This voluntary program supports the generation of electricity from renewable sources and places this type of electricity on the electric grid in place of electricity from traditional power plants. Green power can be purchased in increments of 100 kilowatt-hour blocks. For a residential custom-er, one block of green power each month for a year is equivalent to not driving your car 1,800 miles, keeping 1,700 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Instructional materials used in the hands-on series will include mini rain barrels, rain gauges, water flow meters and other materials, all designed to teach students about water, conservation and other topics. Some students will also participate in public service radio announcements, and students at Central Educational Center will prepare a short film about the water cycle.
This effort not only encourages conservation, but also teaches a wealth of information that students will carry through the rest of their lives. Through this and other educational efforts, Newnan Utilities is committed to helping future gen- erations understand how we can work together to protect our environment.